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Christian Education

The Christian Education Ministry here at GCUCC is comprehensive and inclusive of disciples of all ages. Our objective is to work together to strengthen our church family, Galewood and surrounding communities by encouraging others to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus through Bible study and prayer.



Sunday School

Children of all ages:  9:00-9:45 am

Location: Upper Level

Room:   Children's Sunday School Room


Youth & Adult:  9:00-9:45 am

Location: Upper Level 

Room:   Upper Room


Sunday School provides the opportunity to draw all ages to the knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ, through the study of God’s word through in-depth teaching, group discussions and Christian literature.



Wednesday Night Bible Study

All ages:  7:00-8:00 pm   

Location: Sanctuary


Wednesday Night Bible Study provides Bible study and participation of all ages. In this joint service these study sessions provide opportunities for discussion and for learning about God's word and its daily operation.




Potty trained children ages 2-10 years old

Location: Upper Level 

Room:   Children's Sunday School Room

The GCUCC Nursery provides loving, safe care for toddlers and children where they can be nurtured in a Christian environment through biblical teachings like stories, memory verses, Christian videos, and songs, and by modeling Christ’s love.



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